The groups below have invested in compute hardware in the Illinois Campus Cluster Program. If you have an affiliation with one of the groups below, you can use our Request Access for Research form to request access. You can put the desired queue in the request access form, and your request will be routed to the appropriate staff (listed below) for review/approval.

If you do not have an affiliation with one of the investor groups below, you can also request access to the ICCP via a free Illinois Computes allocation.

Investor Group / QueueAffiliated DepartmentInvestorTechnical Representative
abhiBusiness AdministrationAbhijeet GhoshalAbhijeet Ghoshal
ACESAgricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES)Matt HudsonVincent Weathers
alqadiIllinois Center for Transportation /
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Imad Al-QadiAngeli Mariz Gamez Jayme
astro-wongtAstronomyTony WongTony Wong
Chemical and Biomolecular EngineeringAlex MironenkoAlex Mironenko
Bellon LabMaterials Science & EngineeringPascal BellonPascal Bellon
bic7tBeckman InstitutePaul Camacho & Brad SuttonPaul Camacho
capsAstronomy / NCSAJoaquin VieiraFelipe Menanteau
chackogeComputer ScienceGeorge ChackoGeorge Chacko
chessAerospace EngineeringDan BodonyDan Bodony
cryoemMaterials Research LaboratoryKristopher WilliamsMauro Sardela & Kristen Flatt
CSComputer ScienceParis SmaragdisGianni Pezzarossi
CSLCoordinated Science LaboratoryKaren CromwellGianni Pezzarossi
ctessumCivil & Environmental EngineeringChris TessumChris Tessum
dafComputer ScienceDavid ForsythDaniel McKee
daliComputer ScienceArindam BanerjeeBhavesh Srimali
ddkangComputer ScienceDaniel KangDaniel Kang
dokoolabCrop SciencesHamze DokoohakiHamze Dokoohaki
dtraNuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering / Aerospace EngineeringDavide Curreli & Deborah LevinDavut Vatansever
eertekinMechanical Science & EngineeringElif ErtekinElif Ertekin
Engineering ITThe Grainger College of EngineeringGianni PezzarossiGianni Pezzarossi
GravityTheoryPhysicsNicolas YunesAlejandro Cardenas-Avendano
gseg_ccThe Grainger College of EngineeringAndre SchleifeAndre Schleife
haopengComputer ScienceHao PengDeema Alnuhait
horowitz_groupCivil & Environmental EngineeringHannah HorowitzHannah Horowitz
htmlabMechanical Science & EngineeringHuseyin SehitogluGorkem Gengor
IllinoisComputesOffice of the Vice Chancellor for Research and InnovationChuck ThompsonChristopher Heller
inhsbdgIllinois Natural History SurveyMilton TanMilton Tan
isws-gwsIllinois State Water SurveyAllan JonesAllan Jones
jianqixiNuclear, Plasma & Radiological EngineeringJianqi XiJianqi Xi
kerrycUICKerry CallaghanKerry Callaghan
microbiomeDepartment of Pathobiology,
College of Veterinary Medicine
Chris GaulkeChris Gaulke
mmliMolecule Maker Lab InstituteHuimin ZhaoRon Payne
mrsecMaterials Research Science & Engineering CenterKristopher WilliamsAndre Schleife
MWT2 (ATLAS)The Grainger College of Engineering /
Midwest Tier 2
Mark NeubauerJudith Stephen
nematicPhysicsRafael FernandesJoe Meese
nufgroupAerospace EngineeringAndres GozaSrikumar Balasubramanian
parasolComputer ScienceNancy AmatoLawrence Rauchwerger
pathobiologyDepartment of Pathobiology,
College of Veterinary Medicine
Bob RowlandChris Gaulke
perceptionComputer ScienceShenlong WangShaowei Liu & Yuan Shen
PhysicsPhysicsRebecca WiltfongGianni Pezzarossi
QGPPhysicsJacquelyn Michelle Noronha-HostlerJacquelyn Michelle Noronha-Hostler
qmchammPhysicsLucas WagnerLucas Wagner
rehglab / HCESCThe Grainger College of EngineeringJim RehgMaxwell Xu & Zixuan Huang
ringsMathematicsIgor MineyevHaizi Yu & Manisha Garg
sculpeppStatisticsSteven CulpepperSteven Culpepper
SGMaterials Science & EngineeringAndre SchleifeAndre Schleife
SIBSchool of Integrative BiologyJulian CatchenJeff Haas
SoTeRiASocio-Technical Risk Analysis
(Dept. of Nuclear, Plasma and Radiological Engineering)
Zahra MohagheghSeyed A. Reihani
Statistics (stat)StatisticsYuexi WangDirk Eddelbuettel
stattMaterials Science & EngineerngAntonia StattAntonia Statt
tallisComputer Science and BioengineeringTandy WarnowMinhyuk Park
WagnerPhysicsLucas WagnerLucas Wagner
wpkMechanical Science & EngineeringWilliam KingMiles Bimrose
yongjooComputer ScienceYongjoo ParkYongjoo Park
zlabNuclear, Plasma & Radiological EngineeringRizwan UddinJianqi Xi