The groups below have invested in compute hardware in the Illinois Campus Cluster Program. If you have an affiliation with one of the groups below, you can use our Request Access for Research form to request access. You can put the desired queue in the request access form, and your request will be routed to the appropriate staff (listed below) for review/approval.
If you do not have an affiliation with one of the investor groups below, you can also request access to the ICCP via a free Illinois Computes allocation.
Investor Group / Queue | Affiliated Department | Investor | Technical Representative |
abhi | Business Administration | Abhijeet Ghoshal | Abhijeet Ghoshal |
ACES | Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences (ACES) | Matt Hudson | Vincent Weathers |
alqadi | Illinois Center for Transportation / Civil and Environmental Engineering | Imad Al-Qadi | Angeli Mariz Gamez Jayme |
astro-wongt | Astronomy | Tony Wong | Tony Wong |
avmir avmir64 | Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering | Alex Mironenko | Alex Mironenko |
Bellon Lab | Materials Science & Engineering | Pascal Bellon | Pascal Bellon |
bic7t | Beckman Institute | Paul Camacho & Brad Sutton | Paul Camacho |
caps | Astronomy / NCSA | Joaquin Vieira | Felipe Menanteau |
chackoge | Computer Science | George Chacko | George Chacko |
chess | Aerospace Engineering | Dan Bodony | Dan Bodony |
cryoem | Materials Research Laboratory | Kristopher Williams | Mauro Sardela & Kristen Flatt |
CS | Computer Science | Paris Smaragdis | Gianni Pezzarossi |
CSL | Coordinated Science Laboratory | Karen Cromwell | Gianni Pezzarossi |
ctessum | Civil & Environmental Engineering | Chris Tessum | Chris Tessum |
daf | Computer Science | David Forsyth | Daniel McKee |
dali | Computer Science | Arindam Banerjee | Bhavesh Srimali |
ddkang | Computer Science | Daniel Kang | Daniel Kang |
dokoolab | Crop Sciences | Hamze Dokoohaki | Hamze Dokoohaki |
dtra | Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering / Aerospace Engineering | Davide Curreli & Deborah Levin | Davut Vatansever |
eertekin | Mechanical Science & Engineering | Elif Ertekin | Elif Ertekin |
Engineering IT | The Grainger College of Engineering | Gianni Pezzarossi | Gianni Pezzarossi |
GravityTheory | Physics | Nicolas Yunes | Alejandro Cardenas-Avendano |
gseg_cc | The Grainger College of Engineering | Andre Schleife | Andre Schleife |
haopeng | Computer Science | Hao Peng | Deema Alnuhait |
horowitz_group | Civil & Environmental Engineering | Hannah Horowitz | Hannah Horowitz |
htmlab | Mechanical Science & Engineering | Huseyin Sehitoglu | Gorkem Gengor |
IllinoisComputes | Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation | Chuck Thompson | Christopher Heller |
inhsbdg | Illinois Natural History Survey | Milton Tan | Milton Tan |
isws-gws | Illinois State Water Survey | Allan Jones | Allan Jones |
jianqixi | Nuclear, Plasma & Radiological Engineering | Jianqi Xi | Jianqi Xi |
kerryc | UIC | Kerry Callaghan | Kerry Callaghan |
microbiome | Department of Pathobiology, College of Veterinary Medicine | Chris Gaulke | Chris Gaulke |
mmli | Molecule Maker Lab Institute | Huimin Zhao | Ron Payne |
mrsec | Materials Research Science & Engineering Center | Kristopher Williams | Andre Schleife |
MWT2 (ATLAS) | The Grainger College of Engineering / Midwest Tier 2 | Mark Neubauer | Judith Stephen |
nematic | Physics | Rafael Fernandes | Joe Meese |
nufgroup | Aerospace Engineering | Andres Goza | Srikumar Balasubramanian |
parasol | Computer Science | Nancy Amato | Lawrence Rauchwerger |
pathobiology | Department of Pathobiology, College of Veterinary Medicine | Bob Rowland | Chris Gaulke |
perception | Computer Science | Shenlong Wang | Shaowei Liu & Yuan Shen |
Physics | Physics | Rebecca Wiltfong | Gianni Pezzarossi |
QGP | Physics | Jacquelyn Michelle Noronha-Hostler | Jacquelyn Michelle Noronha-Hostler |
qmchamm | Physics | Lucas Wagner | Lucas Wagner |
rehglab / HCESC | The Grainger College of Engineering | Jim Rehg | Maxwell Xu & Zixuan Huang |
rings | Mathematics | Igor Mineyev | Haizi Yu & Manisha Garg |
sculpepp | Statistics | Steven Culpepper | Steven Culpepper |
SG | Materials Science & Engineering | Andre Schleife | Andre Schleife |
SIB | School of Integrative Biology | Julian Catchen | Jeff Haas |
SoTeRiA | Socio-Technical Risk Analysis (Dept. of Nuclear, Plasma and Radiological Engineering) | Zahra Mohaghegh | Seyed A. Reihani |
Statistics (stat) | Statistics | Yuexi Wang | Dirk Eddelbuettel |
statt | Materials Science & Engineerng | Antonia Statt | Antonia Statt |
tallis | Computer Science and Bioengineering | Tandy Warnow | Minhyuk Park |
Wagner | Physics | Lucas Wagner | Lucas Wagner |
wpk | Mechanical Science & Engineering | William King | Miles Bimrose |
yongjoo | Computer Science | Yongjoo Park | Yongjoo Park |
zlab | Nuclear, Plasma & Radiological Engineering | Rizwan Uddin | Jianqi Xi |